

How One Food Will Change Your Life

By Donna Gates, as seen on: Did you know you are technically more microbiota (bacteria and yeast) than you are...

Healing Leaky Gut: Prevent Chronic Inflammation

What causes leaky gut? A permeable gut, commonly known as leaky gut, is not caused by one single factor. Often,...

The Truth About Probiotic Supplements

How do you know if your probiotic supplement is giving you live, active cultures? When you open a jar of...

Why MyPlate Shouldn’t Be Your Plate: The Truth Behind Weight

The USDA recently released new food guidelines. Goodbye, food pyramid. The new guidelines are illustrated by a plate that is...

The Body Ecology Guide to Weight Loss: It’s Simple!

Making a few lifestyle and dietary adjustments may significantly change how your body metabolizes fat.  Let's talk about how we...

Healing Gut Permeability: What You Need to Know

Brush border enzymes are embedded in the tiny microvilli of the small intestine. The small intestine, with a surface area...

A must-read for athletes: Help for exercise burnout and weakened

A 2011 study published in the Nutrition Journal revealed that competitive male cyclists using a probiotic supplement had a 50-percent...

Dangers of Drug-Resistant Bacteria in Our Food

Staphylococcus aureus is a common little bug and a normal part of skin flora. It is the culprit in what...

A Key to Healing Your Gut: How to Alleviate Chronic

A permeable gut can present itself in a multitude of different ways. What begins in the gut can very easily...

Is There a Safe Solution for Acne During Pregnancy?

My road to finding perfect skin has been a bumpy one. Red, swollen, and bumpy. At age 13, I got...

Taking Antibiotics for Gastritis? A New Alternative May Surprise You…

Taking antibiotics to remedy gastritis? The remedy may be as simple as boosting your inner ecosystem with beneficial microflora. Gastritis:...

The Secret to Brain Health: It All Begins in Your

For years, Donna Gates has lectured about the abdominal brain, and its relation to the more common known brain in...

MUST KNOW for Gluten Sensitive People!

Can't I have just one bite?! You eat a piece of cake even though you know that you have gluten...

B Vitamins Are Key to Keeping Our Brains Strong and

You can grow older and keep your mind as sharp and strong as your body with a healthy diet full...

Post-Holiday Detox: How to Properly Cleanse at the Beginning of

The holiday festivities may be over. For your gastrointestinal tract however, there is a constant arrival of guests and things...

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