Getting Started

What are oxalates in food doing to your body? It’s

When your gut bacteria are out of whack, this can contribute to oxalate sensitivity. Body Ecology's Culture Starter provides healthy, beneficial...

You’re Not Keto If You’re Not Digesting Your Fat

The ketogenic diet, or keto diet, is everywhere. If you haven’t tried it yet, you’ve probably heard of someone who’s...

Healthy Fats to Control Chronic Inflammation: Is It the Real

You’ve probably heard me talk about chronic inflammation too many times to count. The latest research on the causes of...

5 easy clues that can help you decide how much

When I speak on saturated fat, I usually get plenty of questions. As I have said, “A high saturated fat...

Science Says There Are 6 Reasons to Eat More Fermented

Are you being good to your gut? Poor digestion is your gut’s way of telling you something’s wrong. But many...

Part 4: Can Pea Protein Up Your Intermittent Fasting Game?

Far from the latest diet trend, intermittent fasting offers an “eating window” based on the ancient practice of how our...

Part 3: Are You Taking the Right Protein for Fat

Have we finally reached the Holy Grail of fitness? Scientists from McMaster University seem to think so. Researchers believe they...

Part 2: How Is Your Blood Sugar Sabotaging Your Weight

Can’t lose weight? Feel foggy, shaky, and hungry throughout the day? These common symptoms that so many of us accept...

Part 1: How Much Protein Are You Actually Digesting?

You may be on a high-protein diet or taking a protein powder for health, energy, or fitness, but how well...

Matcha: The Unmatched Superfood for Weight Loss

We all know green tea leaves to be an exceptional source of antioxidants, as well as other essential vitamins and...

What Gisele and Tom Brady Can Teach Us About Food

“No white sugar. No white flour. No MSG. I’ll use raw olive oil, but I never cook with olive oil....

Which gut health vitamins work? 13 core nutrients of the

Are you eating right for your gut? When it comes to healthy digestion, there are certain nutrients that ensure success....

What You Should Know About Fulvic Acid Minerals

Minerals are the backbone of every mechanism within your body. Fortunately, the earth naturally stores key minerals inside the food...

The Terrible Truth About Detox Diets

Your body is loaded with toxic chemicals — and you don’t even know it. There’s a growing spectrum of environmental...

2 Surprising Causes of Weight Gain

Research has found that lean people have a different kind of gut bacteria compared to obese people. What does your...

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