

Are You Eating Too Much Fruit?

Many of us know about the health benefits found in fruit. Mother Nature has the unique ability to create foods...

How to Change Your Health Now: Introducing the Core Programs

If you have been on the Body Ecology Diet for any length of time, you may have found yourself “cheating”...

Healing Gut Permeability: What You Need to Know

Brush border enzymes are embedded in the tiny microvilli of the small intestine. The small intestine, with a surface area...

A Key to Healing Your Gut: How to Alleviate Chronic

A permeable gut can present itself in a multitude of different ways. What begins in the gut can very easily...

Is Your Health in Danger? Not All Sugars Are Created

Heard of corn sugar? A visit to the latest marketing push by the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) at cornnaturally.com assures...

Eat to Boost Your Mood!

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is associated with mood regulation, gut motility, sleep, appetite, and pain modulation. What do low...

How Candida Creates Toxicity and Turns Sugar into a Drug

Those of us who have chosen to explore the Body Ecology Diet know from first-hand experience the effects of systemic...

Feeling the Need to Cleanse? Learn the Inside-Out Scoop on

We all recognize the need to keep ourselves clean and fresh on the outside in order to feel good. True...

The Principle of Food Combining Part 2: Fruit-ful Advice

Our Complete Spotlight on Body Ecology Series! Exhausted? Overweight? Under the Weather? The Body Ecology Principles Hold the Key to...

The food combining diet: The Body Ecology principle of food

The purpose behind food combining is so straightforward that it can be easy to miss. Food combining is about improving...

Stuff Your Turkey, Not Your Tummy: Getting Started on The

Once again fall is here, and with changing leaves and cooler temperatures, anticipation begins to rise for the festive holidays...

Bad Carbs vs Good Carbs – What You Don’t Know

Carbs are the most easily accessible source of fuel for our bodies, yet the Body Ecology Diet is a sugar-free/low-carb...

Animal Proteins Part II: Does Milk Really Do Your Body

Our Complete Spotlight on Body Ecology Series! Exhausted? Overweight? Under the Weather? The Body Ecology Principles Hold the Key to...

Beat Uncontrollable Sugar Cravings with The Principle of Step By

Our Complete Spotlight on Body Ecology Series! Exhausted? Overweight? Under the Weather? The Body Ecology Principles Hold the Key to...

Beets, Beets — the Magical Root: Root Juice Vs. Prescription

Just Beet It! Add fermented beets to your salad dressing. Blend the following ingredients in your Vita-Mix or high-speed blender and...

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