
Get the Bile Out! How the Growing Disease Called NAFLD May Be Harming You

LivAmend is a specially formulated supplement that supports liver function, increases bile flow and improves bowel elimination.

Are you certain your liver is healthy?

Do you experience fatigue, acne and/or sinus problems? Are you prone to allergies, mood swings and/or migraines? You may not drink a lot of alcohol – you may not even drink any — but these symptoms still could indicate liver toxicity.

Poorly digested food, too much sugar, processed food, and heavy metals all contribute to a toxic liver and could put you at risk for NAFLD, or Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

NAFLD is an increasingly frequent diagnosis and an indicator of many different gut problems according to Dr. Leonard Smith, a renowned general, gastrointestinal and vascular surgeon as well as an expert in the use of nutrition and natural supplementation.

NAFLD refers to a range of liver disease stages from simple fatty liver all the way to cirrhosis, which is an irreversible, advanced scarring of the liver. In any stage of NAFLD, fat accumulates in the liver cells.

While NAFLD does not result from drinking too much alcohol, the results are similar to those of a person who does drink excessively. How does this happen? The answer is toxic overload – which can come from a variety of sources.

Toxins and Your Liver

A healthy liver is basically a filter– it processes thousands of toxins every single day. While toxins can come from poorly digested food, sugar, refined carbohydrates — and heavy metals like mercury, PCB, and lead – Dr. Leonard Smith points out that toxins can also come from pathogenic bacteria in your gut.

If you have an abundance of bad bacteria in your stomach, it can damage your stomach lining, allowing bacterial toxins to permeate your gut wall and enter your liver. This increased intestinal permeability can result in food sensitivities – causing an immune response in your liver.

Get The Bile Out!

Your liver must get rid of these toxins through bile — with the help of your gall bladder. If overloaded, your liver has a harder time getting these toxins out through your bile – and ultimately, some of the toxins will be stored in the fat in your liver.

The toxins that do get released in bile may be equally or more toxic than the original toxins from your liver – causing inflammation of your bile ducts and slowing down bile flow. This slowdown creates a vicious cycle of more intracellular toxicity.

Dr. Leonard Smith suggests a potential contributor to NAFLD could be that some of your liver cells under severe toxic overload die and are replaced by fat or fibrosis (scar tissue, which happens with cirrhosis).

How You Can Create Habits for a Healthy Liver

Your liver has many toxins to deal with from airborne pollutants, chemicals in the water supply, substances applied to your skin, medicinal drugs and even the toxic byproducts of your body’s systems. You can help your liver stay healthy through eating well and correcting your digestion.

Good digestion is essential to a healthy liver. It keeps your liver from being overloaded.

Here are some tips to improve your digestion and get on the road to liver health:

  • Start by introducing and then actually building on a daily basis the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract with fermented foods and drinks, like raw, cultured vegetables and Young Coconut Kefir. These foods not only help fight pathogenic bacteria, they also increase the digestibility of all the nutrients in any foods you eat by 100s of times!
  • Combine your food properly – poorly combined foods create toxins in your body and some of these toxins are by-products of fermentation (sugar) that yeast and other pathogens use as a food source. Following the Body Ecology food combining principles is essential if you want to conquer a fungal/yeast infection… IF you are unfamiliar with this principles it is one of several key reasons to read the bestselling book, The Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates.
  • Chew your foods well – the digestive process starts in your mouth but enzymes produced in your stomach and small intestine are essential and often deficient. Enzymes are almost a must today and are a valuable addition to any meal.
  • Go easy on the sweets and processed foods – they make your liver work harder.
  • Drink liquids 15 minutes before or 1 hour after eating. Excessive liquids with your meals can dilute stomach acid and hinder your digestion.

As you correct your digestion, we highly recommend LivAmend, a blend of three potent botanicals (from plants) that have been historically used as liver regenerative, detoxifying and blood-purifying agents. LivAmend can be used to help cleanse your liver from impurities from your diet and the environment.

As long as your liver processes toxins efficiently, it protects you from all kinds of degenerative diseases like NAFLD, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and cancer. Starting with your own habits is a great way to give some TLC to your liver and improve your health and longevity.

To learn more ways to correct your digestion, heal your liver and eat foods that support your overall health, be sure to read The Body Ecology Diet.


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