
Is Plastic Getting in the Way of Your Hormones?

What you eat matters. But what about how it’s packaged? BPA (or bisphenol A) is used in plastic goods and...

How to Protect Yourself Against BPA

Have you heard of BPA—otherwise known as bisphenol A? Prenatal exposure to BPA is associated with breast cancer and prostate...

This Common Food from Your Childhood Can Improve Sleep and

Did you grow up eating Jell-O? How about soup made with leftover chicken scraps? Both of these foods have one...

How to Make a Bone-Boosting Cup of Tea That Also

As the darker nights of winter settle upon us for several more months, I wanted to remind you that the...

How 1 Square of Dark Chocolate Can Help You Kick

Gluten-free is just a trend…  This is the argument we hear from skeptics or from people who may eat gluten...

The Body Ecology Beginner’s Guide to Going Gluten-Free

Myth? Fad? Or reality? Signs of gluten sensitivity tend to show up within hours to days of eating gluten. Each...

Probiotics for weight management: How probiotics help you lose weight

At first, farmers gave antibiotics to their livestock to keep them healthy. But then they noticed something strange—their cows, pigs,...

How to Take Charge of Stubborn Fat and Lose Weight

When you began eating more cultured vegetables, did you lose weight? Can Fermented Foods Help You Lose Weight? Eating cultured...

Your New Year’s Resolution: Try This Easy Exercise for a

Some kinds of exercise are especially effective at helping you cleanse. For example, it’s important to exercise the lymph system...

Holiday Weight Gain: 5 Doable Ways to Avoid the Bulge

How much weight do we really gain around the holidays (and do we even want to know)? Controlling sugar cravings...

Want Your New Year’s Resolution to Work? Start Now with

Why do New Year's Resolutions often get postponed? Why do we keep abandoning our important goals? Most resolutions fail because...

No Jet Lag, No Problem: Avoid These 3 Things When

If you plan on crossing a few time zones over the holidays, you’ll want to prepare. What Jet Lag Looks Like Eating...

What You Should Know About Kombucha Before You Drink It

The only reason to drink kombucha is because it makes you feel healthier. After all, no diet or study contains...

4 Benefits of Milk Kefir That Could Change Your Life

Dairy can be problem, for adults and children alike. But do you need to completely remove it from your diet?...

Histamine hack: Here’s how to safely eat fermented foods

Histamine is a compound that's released from immune cells. Some gut bacteria and cells belonging to the nervous system also...

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