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Can I ever really become well and repair the damage done to my liver with drugs and bad oils?

There are many things you can do to heal the liver and we cover this subject thoroughly in Chapter 20 of The Body Ecology Diet, “Healing At A Deeper Level.” Briefly, here are the things we can do that are most essential to healing our livers.
  • Substitute organic, unrefined oils for non-beneficial oils.
  • Eliminate drugs, alcohol, and sugar, as well as late-night eating.
  • Follow the Body Ecology 80%/20% rule to avoid overeating.
  • Use herbs (dandelion root, milk thistle), chlorophyll-rich green foods (Vitality SuperGreen), and healthy oils like flax seed oil.
  • Do not consume high amounts of any oils when your liver is weak. Your liver uses up its important energy reserves when it digests fats, though small amounts (2-3 tsp. daily) are necessary for rebuilding the liver.
  • Take digestive enzymes, particularly formulas that are high in lipase for fat digestion.