
Gluten Sensitivity

Are food sensitivities caused by enzyme deficiency or immune reaction?

Intolerance to specific food can show up: In the skin as acne, eczema, or skin rashes. In the respiratory tract...

Do You Have a Wheat Belly?

Wheat belly is a term that describes what is otherwise known as visceral fat. Who gets wheat belly? Well, certainly...

Top 6 Signs of Celiac Disease

Are any of these symptoms familiar? Recurring headaches or migraines Fatigue and body weakness Skin disorders, rashes, or allergies Moodiness,...

Lectins: The Anti-Nutrient

If you have any kind of immune sensitivity or autoimmune condition, achy joints, moodiness, gut disharmony, memory loss, or are...

Alzheimers + inflammation: How to protect your brain

Alzheimers help is needed as disease numbers in the U.S. rise rapidly. The 2020 Alzheimer’s Disease: Facts and Figures from...

The Body Ecology Guide to Weight Loss: It’s Simple!

Making a few lifestyle and dietary adjustments may significantly change how your body metabolizes fat.  Let's talk about how we...

Learn to Listen to Your Body: Everyday Diet Tips to

If you are new to the Body Ecology Diet or yo-yo on and off the diet, you may wonder, “How...

MUST KNOW for Gluten Sensitive People!

Can't I have just one bite?! You eat a piece of cake even though you know that you have gluten...

What Does Your Blood Type Have to Do with Your

Body Ecology's Principle of Uniqueness teaches that the pathway to optimal health is different for each of us. Tailoring a...

Your Body Ecology Thanksgiving Survival Guide!

The holidays are approaching!  AHHHH!  As in “YAY!”  But also as in “UGH!”  I’m flying home to see my folks...

Bad Carbs vs Good Carbs – What You Don’t Know

Carbs are the most easily accessible source of fuel for our bodies, yet the Body Ecology Diet is a sugar-free/low-carb...

Have Your Gluten Free Bread and Enjoy it Too: Three

As you start on The Body Ecology Diet, we hope to introduce you to several alternative sweeteners that can provide...

Tips for a Healthy, Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Meal (Menu + Recipes!)

Worried that your Thanksgiving meal will take you off track with your health goals? To prevent holiday indulgences from burdening...

The Ideal Diet for Those with Celiac Disease and Gluten

Are you still feeling unwell after going gluten-free? You only fixed a piece of the puzzle. To repair and heal, your...

Copper Deficiency Affects 20% of Population: The Symptoms and Your

Did you know that  20% of Americans have copper deficiency? . If you have osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis or just feel...

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