
Getting Started

How to Stop the Downward Spiral of a Leaky Gut

Under normal circumstances, inflammation encourages tissue repair and is short-lived. Animal studies show that low levels of antibiotics—as much as...

4 Power Foods That Heal Leaky Gut

This week, Body Ecology launched the first-ever Healthy Gut Summit. Josh Axe, who is on the panel of experts at...

How 1 Square of Dark Chocolate Can Help You Kick

Gluten-free is just a trend…  This is the argument we hear from skeptics or from people who may eat gluten...

The Body Ecology Beginner’s Guide to Going Gluten-Free

Myth? Fad? Or reality? Signs of gluten sensitivity tend to show up within hours to days of eating gluten. Each...

Probiotics for weight management: How probiotics help you lose weight

At first, farmers gave antibiotics to their livestock to keep them healthy. But then they noticed something strange—their cows, pigs,...

Your New Year’s Resolution: Try This Easy Exercise for a

Some kinds of exercise are especially effective at helping you cleanse. For example, it’s important to exercise the lymph system...

What You Should Know About Kombucha Before You Drink It

The only reason to drink kombucha is because it makes you feel healthier. After all, no diet or study contains...

4 Benefits of Milk Kefir That Could Change Your Life

Dairy can be problem, for adults and children alike. But do you need to completely remove it from your diet?...

5 Warning Signs That You’re a Sugar Addict

Sugar addiction usually begins with casual or social use—sweet treats over the holidays, cake served at a birthday party, or...

3 Ways to Avoid the Paleo Plateau and Lose Stubborn

When you eat like a caveman, you get rid of foods that challenge the immune system—like wheat gluten and milk...

Upgrade: This Oil Fights Infection and Is Easy to Digest

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are a type of fat molecule found in coconut oil and palm oil. Not everyone can efficiently...

Raw Milk Gains Popularity: Is It Right for You?

In most states, raw milk is hard to come by. Raw milk from healthy animals contains compounds that can fight...

Can Fermented Foods Help to Eliminate Candida?

On the Body Ecology Facebook fan page, Wendy S. asked a great question about fermented foods and Candida: “Hi, I...

8 essential ways to manage symptoms of candida die-off

As we choose foods that starve candida and other opportunistic bugs, yeast and bacteria cells die. When they die, they...

Are Gluten-Free Flours Easy to Digest?

On the Body Ecology Facebook fan page, we recently talked about flour products:  Flour is never a gut healthy food...

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