
Digestive Disorders

Use 3 simple acupressure points to enhance your digestion

Good digestion is the seat of a long life. Traditional Chinese medicine has long understood the importance of good digestion....

What’s Causing Food Allergies?

A new study recently announced that an estimated 1 out of 12 children in the United States has a food...

Bacteria that Heals Your Gut: Relief from Inflammatory Bowel Disorders

Your gastrointestinal tract is an open door to the outside world. We are constantly ingesting all kinds of microorganisms with...

A solution to gastrointestinal distress: Use probiotics for bloating

Intestinal bloating. Maybe you ate something that you thought you could digest, only to discover that an hour or two...

Removing Stress from Your Diet Can Promote Healthy Digestion!

Maybe you have kids to feed. Or a business to run. Maybe there has been some kind of dramatic change...

The Secret Side Effect of Antidepressants You May Not Know

Did you know that antidepressants might cause weight gain? You can protect yourself from these harmful side effects by understanding...

Digestive Enzymes Aren’t Just for Digestion! Find Out the Powerful

Maybe you have heard about enzymes and know how helpful they can be in the digestive process. Digestive enzymes help...

The food combining diet: The Body Ecology principle of food

The purpose behind food combining is so straightforward that it can be easy to miss. Food combining is about improving...

Have Your Gluten Free Bread and Enjoy it Too: Three

As you start on The Body Ecology Diet, we hope to introduce you to several alternative sweeteners that can provide...

This Low-Oxalate Solution Could Reduce Your Chronic Pain

If you're suffering from chronic pain or inflammation, it could be due to natural chemicals called oxalates, found in many...

Suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Disease? The Body Ecology

Are you still suffering from IBS? Stop taking prescription drugs and get to the root of the problem! We’ll teach...

Fibromyalgia Symptoms, Causes and the Body Ecology Solution

Do you want to win the fight against fibromyalgia? This mystery illness can be painful and exhausting, but Body Ecology...

How Melanie and Her Son James from New Zealand Have

Find out how this 9-year old New Zealand child recovered from severe chronic constipation with the help and guidance from...

What Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Is (NAFLD) and Why EVERYONE

You probably do regular maintenance on your car, but what about your body? Your liver acts like your car's "oil...

“Gluten” and “Gluten-Free” – What These Terms REALLY Mean and

As yummy as this bread basket looks, each morsel could potentially be destroying your intestines. Do you think you might...

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